
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility

Safeguarding is an integral part of our life at Our Own English High School, Alain and is everyone’s responsibility. All OOEHS staff receive yearly training to help them to recognize abuse and to promote the welfare of our children. All staff and stakeholders are asked to read and sign to say that they understand the OOEHS Safeguarding Policy on a yearly basis.

It is important for children to feel safe. Our day-to-day practices, our teachers help empower our children by teaching them how to recognize abuse, stay safe on and offline and to use their voices to speak out. Children are encouraged to talk to a trusted adult if they are worried about anything. This can be done face to face or students can send mail to the DSL of our school. DSL then resolves the issue by talking to the child and then if needed discuss with the parent. 

There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case, please come and talk to us. There are many ways in which we can help.

Safeguarding Role 

Safeguarding Role


School Role / Responsibility

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Dr. Savithri Das

CAIE Supervisor

Allegation Manager

Mr. Rocky Miller


Deputy Allegation Manager

Ms. Jaya Menezes

Vice Principal

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Cheryl Patterson

Nashwa Mohamed


Zabina Kader Batcha

Adrian Rodrigues




John oomen

Jane D’Souza

Supervisor – Primary

Supervisor – Arabic

Assistant supervisor – Primary

Assistant supervisor – CAIE

Assistant supervisor – CBSE


School counsellor

Examination Officer – CAIE




Bini Samuel

LAB member

Parents and carers play a role in safeguarding children in their community. If you have any concerns, no matter how small, you should report them to someone who you trust will listen. The school has designated child protection lead assisted by a team DDSL for this purpose. Parents and children should speak to the Designated Safeguard Lead if they have any concerns about a child or staff member.

Online Safety - Awareness


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