Student Leadership
We believe that student leaders have a significant role to play in the day-to-day organization of our school. The positions not only allow students the opportunity to model confident leadership, resilience and responsibility, it also encourages the younger students to lead and learn from peer examples. This supports our mission for students to ‘Lead kindly light.’
Secondary Council
Council members are elected by peers through voting system. A key focus for them is looking at how to improve students’ experiences at our school.
Primary Prefects
As only grade 5 pupils are allowed to earn roles as Primary Prefects, it is considered to be very prestigious. Teachers nominate and have an interview with our Primary Supervisor. Primary Prefects are expected to lead by example, assist Primary students during break and dispersal times, lead with school tours and represent the Primary school when needed.
House Captains
Leaders of the four school houses are elected in secondary and in each year group in high school. Elected positions for each house are: House Captain (girl), House Captain (boy), Vice-Captain (girl), Vice-Captain (girl). Responsibilities include helping to arrange inter-house competitions, communicating with students in their houses and being role models of sportsmanship.