Academic Peformance - CAIE
In its early stages human mind is a coarse grain of sand, recurring a nurturing shell of broad spectrum of opportunities and experiences. It eventually gets nourished into natures most gifted ominous Peral of creative ideas, knowledge and critical hinging that revolutionized the world.
Our Own English High School Al Ain since its genesis has offered itself as a shell for sheltering and fostering young minds in their raw state to be matured into empowered innovators and discovers. The wheel of excellence and continual progress has been steered with values, quality education, educational technology, teaching and learning processes as its spokes to fortify innumerable efforts to set the wheel on its track.
The school community of Our Own English High School Al Ain has withstood the test of time with grit resilience. Like as said in every calamity there is an opportunity has brought in the growth mindset and to think differently. The theory of adaptation is seen in reality amongst our young minds who believes that skills and qualities can be cultivated through effort and perseverance ---- which is showcased by the number of achievements, both academic and non-academic.
Supervisor: Dr. Mrs. Savithri Das
Assistant Supervisor: Mrs. Zabina Begum